The Condition block allows you to split your flow in two based on a condition.

This can be translated to: "If Score is greater than 20 then go to this path. Otherwise, go to the other path."

A condition can contain different comparisons that are evaluated in order and linked with a logical operator: ‘AND’ or ‘OR’.


Equal to

Will match if the provided value is strictly equal to the value.

Not equal

Will match if the provided value is not equal to the value.


Will match if the provided value contains the value. If a list is provided, it will match if the list has at least one element in common with the value.

Does not contain

Same as Contains but will match the inverse.

Greater than

Will match if the provided value is greater or equal than the value.

Less than

Will match if the provided value is less or equal than the value.

Is set

Will match if the provided value is not null or undefined and not an empty string.

Is empty

Will match if the provided value is null, undefined, or an empty string.

Starts with

Will match if the provided value starts with the value.

Ends with

Will match if the provided value ends with the value.

Matches regex

Value should start and end with / and contain a valid regex pattern.


  • /^hello$/ will match if the string is strictly equal to “hello”.
  • /hello/ will match if the string contains “hello”. Like “hello world”.
  • /hello/i will match if the string contains “hello” case-insensitive. Like “Hello world”.
  • /[0-9]+/ will match if the string contains one or more digits. Like “123”.
Does not match regex

Same as Matches regex but will match if the provided value does not match the regex pattern.