
  • When introducing new i18n keys, only provide en.json translations. The rest will be translated in Tolgee later on.

Pull requests

  • Before pushing any changes, we recommend you to build the project to make sure it’s working as expected by running bun run build at the root of the repository.
  • The PR title and description should simply describe what the PR is about. We don’t follow any conventions.
  • It’s appreciated to add screenshots or videos of the changes when it’s UI related
  • No need to add any tags
  • If your PR should close an issue when merged, add Closes #<issue-number> in the PR description.
  • We prefer to push atomic commits without bothering about commit message conventions. All of them will be squashed before being merged, so it doesn’t matter.
  • Always let the author resolve himself the review threads he started
  • Once you pushed changes after a review, make sure to re-request a review.